Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 3::: Okay... I CAN DO THIS

Hey there!

Today is November 23, 2011 and it is Day 3 :)

Today I'm Encouraged, Good and Well thanks to HIS mercy and grace.

Well... lets see here, this morning I woke up and got to baking my sweet potato pies which are going to be amazing! I immediately got my praise on this morning turning on my radio to PRAISE 102.7! (shout out!) And I started my day on a beautiful foot!

I baked a few of my pies and my day hit a tad bit of a road block today when I got agitated and irritated with some words that took me a little out of my element today but you know what... God Kept Me. And when I got upset, I was upset for a little while. I mean I was in the car crying wanting to drive as far as my car could take me and never look back. I was so hurt, so broken down, so shocked and so baffled I didn't know what to do... I pulled over and got my composure then I drove myself home, put the rest of my pies in the oven, turned on 102.7 again and sat down and just listened. And as I sat there I felt my spirit lift and my soul get lighter... I cried, I praised, I prayed and I humbled myself before my God. And when I turned on the radio... the first song that came on was Hezekiah Walker... God Favored Me... And BABBBYYYY I cried my eyes out because that was EXACTLY how I felt.

Like today I remembered what love really is and what it really isn't. And it's patient, caring and it's kind... it's felt most when it's genuine :) I've had my share of love abuse, manipulated and in strength misused. AND I BROKE! I was so broken and hurt and then they said it ya'll.... GOD FAVORED ME! and you know what... I picked my head up and I smiled and I cried harder but not out of pain but because I realize that God is really trying to show me something. And while I may not be fully ready to receive what he has in store for me and what battle he needs me to fight, he's working on me. And Lord! You're putting in overtime! See, I've begun to turn to God instead of the material things in life when I need to be better. When I'm hurting, when I'm broken and I don't know what else to do... I go to God first. It's like I'm being broken down for HIM to rebuild me in the way he needs me and I am willing and I bow my body, mind and spirit down in submission.

Today I was showed what love is... I was showed what it isn't and that the people who you think know you the most sometimes are the ones who don't know you at all and those people will turn on you just as fast as a stranger... I've lost many many people in the last few years and it's okay and I'm just fine with it. I have God as my best friend, my crutch and my backbone and you know what, it couldn't get any better :)

So once again,

Today was Day 3...

Today God revealed a lot to me and showed me that when all else fails, I can lean on him for any and everything and it would be okay as long as I trust in him. And I will and I am.

Today I'm more than just1inspiredmind...

I'm Victoria Ashley

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