Sunday, March 25, 2012


Over the past few days I've been doing a lot of thinking about my life, my steps, my past and my future.

So I'm saying this right now.

Everything I've gone through is just that, things I've gone through. They didn't make me and they will not break me.

I've had my fair share of bullshit from myself and other people...

I've had my family broken up, my spirit broken down and my emotions spun around but today I took control of the realms of my own life again.

I'll be damned if anyone but me holds the keys to my future and the potential I have.

Today I give up obligation to people who have no obligation to me.

A few months ago I was in self-help mode, and don't get me wrong... EVERYDAY I'm still working and moving towards a more independent and self-sufficient me.

But a couple months after I declared myself- ME! someone walked into my life that I couldn't let pass me by.

And yes, I know, just because something walks by you doesn't mean you have to grab it... but I would have been a fool to not say something.

So... this time I'm doing it right. I'm taking it slow and still living my life. I'm happy because of me and I'm happy because of them but for the first time in a long time... I'm happy in my own skin.

I'm in love with me loving me.

I'm in awe and adoration of what a few months of ME can do...

I feel like I can write me book now... because I finally feel like I'm on the road To The Woman I've Become...